代表性科研论文 1.Recent development of Flood risk management in the Rhine delta and coastal zone in the Netherlands, 3rd International Yellow River Forum,2007. 10. 2.Outlook for management combined coastal erosion protection in Mississippi River Delta, 3rd International Yellow River Forum, 2007. 10. 3. 东平湖石洼分洪闸抗滑稳定加固设计,人民黄河,2013,35(12); 4. 荷兰洪水风险管理的弹性策略,水利水电科技进展,2014,33(5); 5. 小型径流式水电站前池发电水位的调控,人民黄河,2013,35(5); 6. 黄河三角洲洪水风险分析及流路规划管理,中国防汛抗旱,2015,23(4); 7. Estuary Shifting and the Impacts on Coastline Changes in the Yellow River Delta,The Third International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection,EEEP2018,,(EI),2019,03; 8. Discussion on Evaluation Index and Weight of Resettlement after Flood Control Project of the Yellow River,ESAET2020,(EI),2020.06; 9. Integrated flood risk management on sedimentation, course stabilization and spare-course planning in Yellow River Delta,EEEP2020,(EI),2020,11; 10. 黄河下游堤防生态护坡试验与效果评价,人民黄河,2021,43(6); 11. 黄河下游淤背区膨润土保水层试验研究,人民黄河,2023,45(5); 12. Small watersheds based on game theory comprehensive weight method Flash flood disaster risk assessment,WREM23,(EI),2024.03;